Location Inf.: Breckenridge 

General inf. Hotels Model agency Production 
General information
The residents of Denver must thank the gold-rush for the founding of their city. It was in 1859 that one found gold for the first time in Cherry Creek.  
Today Denver is a trade, business and financial center for an area that spreads far beyond the boarders of Colorado. 
The architecture of the city is mostly clean and modern, apart from one street from the old mining days that has been renovated and kept in its original bright colors. 
If you come to Colorado for pleasure or to work, Denver will be your first destination. Denver international airport is the hub from United Airlines and is easy accessible from any other city in the States. 
From here there are many possibilities where you can go depending if you are looking for serious down hill skiing or beautiful backgrounds for your fotoshoot.  
Our suggestion for both is Breckenridge. 
Useful information about 
Events & Communications 
Riverwalk Center, 150     West Adams 
CO 80424 
Fax: Fax: 
Warneke Wray Production Coordinator  PO.Box 1280 
Dillon,Co 80435 
Phone: 303-4530548 
Fax: 303-3901620 
Wetter Colorado  1718 Rue De Trust 
Erie, Co 80516 
Phone: 303-6664184 
Fax: 303-6655662 


Beaver Run Resort  620 Village Road 
Breckenridge, Co 80424 
Phone: 303-4536000 
Fax: 303-4534284 


Action Images  Sports Modeling Agency 
Steamboat Plaza, CO 80488 
Phone: 303-8796529 
Fax: 303-4534284 
Marbles Kids Management  Denver,Colorado 
Phone: 303-3225004 
Fax: 303-4534284 
Phone: 303-3225004 
Fax: 303-4534284 
Shogun  292 E.Meadow Drive,Unit 1 
Vail, Co 81657 

Phone: 303-4799000 
Fax: 303-4534284